Education Department

This department is to promote Christian Education as an effective spiritual growth for our membership.

Children’s Church

Where children 3 to 12 learn who Jesus is and how to follow Him.

Teen Ministry

The teen ministry is designed to reach teens from 13 to 17 in our community for Christ.  We offer opportunities for teens to apply scripture to their everyday life experiences.

Young Adults Ministry

This department assist Christians from 18 to 21 to reach spiritual maturity.

Women Ministry

The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to equip women to minister to others with the common goal of doing the will of the Lord.

Mother’s Board

The Mother’s Board is a group of women who are assembled to teach and admonish other women to a Holy walk.

Men’s Fellowship

This department is to train men to be spiritual leaders in the church and their homes.

Music Department

This department is to minister in song as the membership is prepared to receive God’s preached word.


The purpose of the department is to greet worshippers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease.

Membership Services

This department is to ensure that the membership is adequately served by the ministry.   

Transportation Ministry

To provide transportation to church services.